Lured by Lombardic with Deirdre Hassed
Saturday 16 September and Sunday 17 September 2023
9.30am to 4.30pm
Two day workshop
Primrose Park Art & Craft Centre, Cremorne
$200 members/$240 non members
9.30am to 4.30pm
Two day workshop
Primrose Park Art & Craft Centre, Cremorne
$200 members/$240 non members
We recognise Lombardic versals as the decorated swollen stemmed, uncial-like capital letters in medieval manuscripts. In this workshop we will begin by examining a few historical examples and learn to draw them with simple filigree work. Examples of how to modernise the letter forms will also be shown. This workshop is suitable for beginners and more experienced calligraphers alike. Hopefully it will whet your appetite to fill the small book we will create over the weekend. |
Materials list
Materials list continued